We have had the privilege of inviting individuals to come apart for sabbath rests. Here are a few of the stories we have received from those sacred times with the Father…
“Before I came, I was excited, but also a little apprehensive. I was afraid of being alone with my thoughts and feelings perhaps a little uncertain of what God might want to say to me.
[A] rare and wonderful time with the Lord. It was so good for my soul, this time has given me a lot to ponder. I know the change doesn’t happen overnight but I love how Henri Nouwen says we are beloved, but we need to practice being and becoming the beloved in all aspects of our lives. This is how I want to live the next half of my life, at least the remainder, because it is only in this realization of the Father’s immense love that we can truly love others. ”
“My time staying in the Tiny Bothy has been refreshing and restorative. I needed the time away to have a few days of Sabbath rest, and the Lord met me – in the Bothy as I read, prayed, slept, reflected; on walks, and short hikes; sitting in nature, surrounded by the beauty of God‘s creation.”
“Thank you for creating a space for us to meet with the Father. From the moment our feet hit the dirt, we sensed His presence and a deep abiding Peace that ministered to us and refreshed our weary souls.”
“What a wonderful and fabulous retreat! God’s glory and peace in every direction. I am in love...”
“What does a personal retreat look like for us? To know what it feels like to rest in His Secret Place as Psalm 91 describes. What a joy to go off the grid from technology and accessibility and receive the greatest of all gifts- Communion and Intimacy with the Triune God. Taking personal retreat should be a part of each believer’s journey to holiness and wholeness with GOD. Our time in retreat has grown our marriage and our individual walks with the Holy Spirit. It’s a Holy Endeavor for which we are all called to drink from.”
“Fadling [An Unhurried Life] is on to something and so are you in your vision for also ministering contemplatiive fibers into the weavings of our lives. It is upstream and as the matirix just notched up it’s speed again today...it is such a timely ministry as the currents of hurry overwhelm so many.”
“I can testify to the fact that God has placed in you both the gift of hospitality and “care of the soul”. Without knowing what we were getting into on our “God Ordained Strangely Unplanned” Colorado trip, we felt embraced by God’s presence through both of you, cared for, loved on...all that... It was informal on our part, but as I look back, very intentional on yours. I wonder sometimes what was going on in the “God World” beyond our scope while we just looked at it as a vacation. So again, thank you for your sensitivity and intentionally allowing us to enter your holy space...I still get shivers when I think of it and remember the moments at that lovely spot...”
“It has been such a treat to come and simply be...be in His presence. From the moment I stepped out of my car, I could hear the sound of rushing water. The song “You’re Beautiful” talks about His voice sounding like water...How sweet to be able to follow the sound...to stop and listen for long periods of time without concern of the hour of day. Thank you for the gift of space to walk, listen, grow, feel, laugh, cry, breathe, worship, watch, rest and receive! I leave filled but with open hands for what our Father has for me.”
“No internet? No cell coverage? Panic set in for a moment last night when told that. All right, more than a moment. Then the gift of that settled in. It made me realize how plugged into the matrix I’ve been and what a salve this time could be. Today I sat and heard Jesus, rested in Him and felt His joy about the present moment and the moments to come. ”
“It’s so rare to enter into a space and time that is intended for my heart. I know God is present and the Spirit indwells me always, but I take it for granted and I pay lip service to Sabbath. This retreat heightened my awareness of His presence, provided respite for my soul, and immersed me in His love. Thank you for providing the space and time for God to minister to my heart.”