Mike & Deb Lundeen

Our 'staff' is the two of us, but supplemented by an amazing growing community of like-hearted souls.

We were married in 1976 and our life together since then has been one of following the Master's leading. It hasn't always, actually seldom has it made logical sense but we would not re-do one experience on our journey. Each 'assignment' and time period has brought elements to our story that as a whole make us who we are today and the core of what we offer to others.

Our personal search for 'retreat' has been a long and oftentimes frustrating  journey. Too often we have not been able to find a place to retreat, or it's been too far or too expensive. This has played a big part in where we are now, wanting to help others with similar desires.  

(Photo by Eye of Rie Photography)


What does Outpost Parakaleo mean?

Some names are obvious and some people are gifted at coming up with names that immediately communicate a vision or purpose. Our name is not one of those most likely.

Outpost speaks to our ministry being on the edges or outside of the accepted normal scope of most ministries. We’re trying to accomplish something that is not the focus of many ministries or individuals and in that way we are trying to lead others into new territory for their spiritual journey and growth.

Parakaleo is Greek and Strongs dictionary defines it as parakaleō ; to call to or for, to exhort, to encourage. The way we apply it to our work is to come alongside another individual with prayer and encouragements. Our desire is for this to be a step in the journey for an individual. Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth wrote an article a few years back that explained parakaleo like a pair of jumper cables. We both grew up in the cold climates of Alaska and Minnesota and there were days where it was so cold the car battery didn’t have the energy to start the car on it’s own. When that happens you need to bring another car alongside it that is running and use cables to connect the two batteries. Once your car is started the other car stays connected for a brief period to assist in your battery getting recharged. Pretty soon however you need to disconnect the cables in order to drive down the road to your destination.

We desire to come alongside others to offer what is needed, be it prayer or the encouragement of a retreat, to move forward in one’s journey with the Father.

If you’re wondering what a bothy is, click here.

What We Believe

This illustration shows what we believe better than a lot of words ever could. At the center of our belief is the Cross and Jesus, his life, sacrifice and resurrection. The next circle out is dogma. Our dogma would be the basic Christian dogma that unites all expressions of Christianity under the Cross.  These beliefs are shared by many in creeds such as the Apostles Creed which we hold to.

The next circles out,  Doctrine and Opinion, are important for each of us to have, but we need to realize that the further out we go in the circles the further we are from the Cross and the thing that unites us. Sadly, most divisions within the Church happen within these two outer circles. 

What we hold to in those circles are important to us for our own 'working out our salvation' as scripture encourages, but they do not directly define what our ministry does.